Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't preach Animal Collective to me bro! I mean padre.

dude... bro...

These days it seems that Animal Collective rears its misunderstood but ugly head into my casual conversations. Usually in a form of a question inquiring what I am listening to. which I can't help but think is just a ploy for them to tell me that they have been listening to Animal Collective. My response being that I am not really in the mood to listen to them yet. which is really only half true. The other half is a repressed memory from chicago
this time last year.

The story goes something like this:

It was a cold and stormy night. Andy informed Cam Dave and I that he invited this girl over that he had a pleasant time with the night before.
She arrives hours late with three uninvited guests. three introduce themselves in traditional manner awkward but sincere. The fourth guest without introducing himself aggressively attacks Cam and I with the one question that I know doesn't matter what my answer is because it's all just a ploy to reveal their find. "So dudes who is your favorite band right now?" Cam and I both say we are not really sure (I need time to think about that things like that.) Without asking him he tells us in a fashion that is like a magician going for the reveal "I am listening to The Animal Collective!" (Tadaaa!!) I think I made a comment like "well yeah! everybody loves those guys" which I was agreeing with him really. The monster took offense and then told me to "suck it!" PPFFF! WHAAT! the gall of this dude/bro! I giggled to myself and then welcomed x-pac to my apt.

quick broseph rundown:

  • Spiky hair product hair
  • pre ripped AE jeans in the winter
  • going to school to become a pastor
  • plays shitty self indulgent singer songwriter music with whiny voice and eyes closed
I find this all out because the bro loves to talk about himself and force his beliefs on others. It would seem that I wasn't having a good time because his black hole of a mouth, but to the contrary I was having a fucking blast! He was a funny dude (He told Andy he was going to hell.)
The guests over stayed their welcome when padre started stealing our alcohol behind our backs, and the girl that Andy had a thing for revealed she had a boyfriend and then started flirting and rubbing herself all over Dave.

Even though I still think I had a good night it was at a price. Just like when Bob Dylan look alike thought Bob Dylan didn't have any influences and tried proving his point by attempting to pound my face in. Complete and utter ignorance ruins music for me, and good bands like Animal Collective are punished. Because for better or for worse music is laced with memories and the people associated with them.
That being said I am still not in the mood for AC and right now i prefer bands like Ruby Suns and Blind man's colour who are riding the coat tails of AC's success.

Blind man's colour: Warm currents pull.

Ruby Suns: Kenya dig it?

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Douglas, I fucking love you.

let's hang out and not listen to animal collective together.